Everyone who enjoys their sport attends a Sport Massage Therapist, or a Physio once in a while. However, most people do this when they are already beginning to have a problem.
For Sports Massage to enhance your sporting performance, in my experience, regular sessions are what you require.
Why you may ask? Well the simple truth is that it is much easier to maintain a healthy muscular system, than it is to fix an area, once injury has occurred. Therefore the best option is to schedule regular Sport Massage Treatments into your Sporting Calendar.
Below are just some of the benefits that you will experience as a result of regular Sports Massage.
- Improved Flexibility and Circulation in your muscles.
- Regular Sessions help to eliminate muscular tension which can negatively affect not only the muscle but your joints.
- Addresses common problem areas to help prevent injury.
- Keeps you happy and flexible and enjoying your sport for longer.
At RB Chiropractic we tailor your treatment to the sport that you enjoy, if you would like to schedule an appointment you can contact us on 087-1904307.