Epley Maneuver For BPPV.

The Epley Maneuver was designed to help People who suffer with BPPV, Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo.

This condition is caused by a calcium crystal know as an otolith breaking loose from its normal position, when this happens it can move into one of the semi circular canals and it is said that the posterior canal is the most commonly affected by this disorder.

BPPV can be the result of a blow to the head, but it is often experienced in older people. When it occurs it causes dizziness, loss of balance, nausea and occasionally vomiting.

The Epley Maneuver was designed to help those with BPPV to naturally move the crystal out of the canal, through a sequence of movements that move the head into different positions to allow the crystal to move back toward and through the opening of the canal. Once the Crystal has moved out of the canal the individuals symptoms will be alleviated.

I have shared this video because it is one of the best that I have seen on this maneuver, and illustrates it so beautifully that it would give someone suffering with this condition the confidence to try this maneuver at home.

The Video is by Dr Christopher Chang from Fauquier ENT Consultants, and he takes you through the sequence while explaining the reason for each move. Occasionally you may have to go through the sequence more than once.

Always remember to check with your own Primary Health Care Professional before trying this at home. With the Epley Maneuver you may also need an assistant to help you with some of the sequence.