The plank is one of my favourite exercises to give my patients who have suffered lower back pain. The Perfect Plank is an isometric exercise that works and strengthens your muscles while you hold a stationary position.
Believe me it may look easy but it’s not, so start by holding the plank for just 5 to 10 seconds at a time, and relax between each repetition. Aim to increase the time until you can can hold the plank for approximately 2 minutes.
Planks are great exercises for giving you a complete body work out without straining the lower back. Ways & How do a great job in the video above, showing you the best way to do the perfect plank. Remember if you are finding it difficult, take your time.
NB- If you are one of my patients and aren’t sure about the exercise don’t forget to contact me and I’ll help you with any queries you have. If you are not one of my patients please consult with your own Chiropractor or Physiotherapist before performing any of the exercises.
I hope you find the video helpful.
Roma Bourke DC AMC MMCAI