Keeping your back healthy is the main thing you need to do as you go through your busy schedule. So here are my top 5 Tips for Maintaining a Healthy Back, and developing good habits.
1 My number one tip when it comes to a healthy spine is Good Posture. Unfortunately our posture starts to deteriorate once we start school. Bending over desks, slouching coupled with hours of sitting don’t make for a healthy back. Things only get worse if we head into a sedentary occupation! However, by making sure you develop and maintain Good Posture while sitting, standing and moving, this will make for a firm foundation to keep your back healthy as you progress through life.
2 The next tip is flexibility! I always say to patients, if you buy a brand new car, and just park it in the driveway and never use it, it will eventually seize up. The same is true of your back; it needs to be kept flexible to maintain strength and health. If you are not a sporty type, my advice is to take up some form of gentle exercise to promote your flexibility, especially as you get older. My favourites are Pilates and Yoga, both are an excellent way to develop strength and flexibility, so don’t delay sign up for that class.
3 When lifting heavy objects use your legs not your back, and always keep heavy weights close to your body as you move them.
4 Invest in Orthotics. Orthotics are insoles for your shoes that support the three arches in your feet. Most of the modern foot wear is sorely lacking in correct support. When your feet are not supported this can have a direct effect on your back, causing everything from hip and lower back pain, right up to neck problems. As the old saying goes, “out 1 inch at the base, out 1 mile at the top! “

5 Regular McTimoney Chiropractic and Sports Massage will help maintain a healthy spine. Mc Timoney Chiropractic helps to maintain your spine in correct alignment, thereby promoting a healthy functioning nervous system. While sports massage keeps your muscles balanced and flexible allowing your body to function at its optimum level.
These are my Top 5 Tips for a Healthy Back, if you have any questions you please do not hesitate to contact the clinic here>>