Psoas Muscle Stretch For Pelvic Stability

Many patients come into the clinic with Lower Back Pain, and often times an over tight or over stressed Psoas Muscle can be causing some of the problem.

So after my patients have been for treatment and I have aligned their pelvis, the Psoas muscle stretch is one of the first exercises that I give them to work on.

The Psoas Muscle is one of the hip flexors and in today’s modern society with our sedentary lifestyles it can become imbalanced and over tight leading to pelvic instability and back ache.

I have shared a super video above by a website called Smart Stretch, and it gives two great ways to stretch your Psoas Muscle.

Remember with exercises such as this Psoas Muscle Stretch, do as much as you feel comfortable with and repeat at least once a day. Aim to start with 5 Repetitions on each side. Stretches should never be painful, and if you find any stretches painful, stop immediately and consult your Doctor.

NB**Always remember before you start any stretches or exercises it is always best to consult with your own Chiropractor or Physio therapist, to determine if they are appropriate to your condition.