Regular Sports Massage to Improve Sporting Performance.

Sports MassageMassage is a form of Manual Therapy that works on the soft tissues of the body, in particular the the muscles.  The main aim of Massage is to improve the flexibility suppleness and circulation of the muscles thereby improving their function,  and it is also used to aid soft tissue rehabilitation post injury.

The origins of massage date back 3000 BC to China and it was also widely used by the Greeks and the Romans to help Gladiators and athletes of the day to maintain peak physical performance.

So How can Sports Massage help you improve your performance?  

  1. Well by having regular sports massage, it will help your body to maintain its flexibility and improve its suppleness and circulation.  Remember when your muscles are tight their blood flow is restricted and therefore the performance of the muscles is reduced, so it makes perfect sense to keep your muscles working at an optimal level so you can enjoy your sport.
  2. When your have regular sports massage, it will ensure that your muscles stay loose and supple, thereby reducing impact on your joints.  Tight muscles mean tight and restricted joints, which can lead to soft tissue injury or a damaged joint.
  3. Regular Sports Massage addresses any problem areas or trouble spots and helps to prevent injury from occurring.
  4. Regular Sports Massage, will help to maintain your bodies optimal health, flexibility and suppleness thereby helping to extend your sporting career.

For more information on massage check out my other article – Benefits of Massage Therapy For Your Health.

Also check out the super little video I shared above, which discusses the Benefits of Sports Massage.

To book a Sports Massage or for more information contact Roma Burke on  087 – 1904307




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